Players who got a World Record on Crash Site - Confrontation

up to April 25th, 2024

Agent Secret/Special Agent 00/Perfect Agent
Anaël Raffin Ben Gorman Anaël Raffin
Ben Gorman Blake Carroll Ben Gorman
Blake Carroll Boris Dubbeldam Bryan B.
Boris Dubbeldam Bryan B. Chris Bohl
Bryan B. Chris Bohl Craig Makepeace
Chris Bohl Claude Boucher David Gibbons
Claude Boucher David Gibbons Derek Kisman
David Fourn Derek Kisman Greg Lewis
Derek Kisman Greg Lewis Karl Jobst
Greg Lewis Justin Jupiter Kyle Wiebenga
Justin Jupiter Karl Jobst Marcus Dolejsi
Karl Jobst Karl M. Phil Hughes
Karl M. Kev B. Randy Buikema
Kev B. Kyle Wiebenga Riley Burke
Kyle Wiebenga Marcus Dolejsi Ryan Dwyer
Marcus Dolejsi Mathieu de carufel Sam Fisher
Mathieu de carufel Michael Lightbody Simon Archambault
Michael Lightbody Paul Murell Takahiro Arai
Nikolaj Sørensen Phil Hughes Takuya Kakizawa
Paul Murell Randy Buikema
Phil Hughes Rayan I.
Randy Buikema Ryan Dwyer
Rayan I. Sam Fisher
Ryan Dwyer Simon Archambault
Sam Fisher Spencer M.
Simon Archambault Takahiro Arai
Spencer M. Takuya Kakizawa
Steve Foy Vincent Rolin
Takahiro Arai Will X.
Takuya Kakizawa
Will X.
Wouter Jansen

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