Players who got a World Record on Crash Site - Confrontation

up to December 22nd, 2024

Agent Special Agent Perfect Agent
Dark Master ParagonX9 Dark Master
ParagonX9 Lake Demon ParagonX9
Lake Demon Falcon Big Bossman
Falcon Big Bossman Le Manchot
Big Bossman Le Manchot Shock
Le Manchot ChodhE Marshmallow
ChodhE Marshmallow SnapDragon
Dark0Perfection SnapDragon Funky Buddha
SnapDragon Funky Buddha Karl Jobst
Funky Buddha Justin Jupiter Flickerform
Justin Jupiter Karl Jobst Sucram
Karl Jobst BK Dark Avenger
BK Kev B. Discombobulator
Kev B. Flickerform Hot Coldman
Flickerform Sucram Your Eliteness
Sucram Mathieu de carufel Sam Fisher
Mathieu de carufel Dr. Light DMan
Dr. Light Pauliwood Taka
ThaRixer Dark Avenger CEDRIC
Pauliwood Discombobulator
Dark Avenger Perfect Ace
Discombobulator Your Eliteness
Perfect Ace Sam Fisher
Your Eliteness DMan
Sam Fisher d0ggr
DMan Taka
d0ggr CEDRIC
xXDarkLightXx Goldenvinze
Taka Will X.
Will X.
Wouter Jansen

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