Duration of World Records on the level Pelagic II - Exploration

up to October 25th, 2024

Agent Special Agent Perfect Agent
0:35* Paracusia (01.07.23)657 days 1:34* Perfect Ace (09.27.22)759 days 1:46* Perfect Ace (09.27.22)759 days
0:36* Paracusia (01.30.21)707 days 1:35* Perfect Ace (09.19.21)373 days 1:47* Perfect Ace (09.27.22)0 day
0:37* Perfect Ace (02.01.20)364 days 1:36* Perfect Ace (03.15.20)553 days 1:48* Perfect Ace (09.22.21)370 days
0:38* Big Bossman (06.04.15)1703 days 1:37* Perfect Ace (06.16.15)1734 days 1:49* Perfect Ace (03.18.20)553 days
0:39* True Faith (05.26.15)9 days 1:39* Perfect Ace (06.08.15)8 days 1:51* Perfect Ace (03.07.20)11 days
0:42* True Faith (05.12.15)14 days 1:40* True Faith (10.15.10)1697 days 1:52* Perfect Ace (02.01.20)35 days
0:43* True Faith (05.11.15)1 day 1:41* True Faith (11.15.09)334 days 1:53* Perfect Ace (02.20.19)346 days
0:46* True Faith (02.02.10)1924 days 1:42* Big Bossman (11.12.09)3 days 1:54* Perfect Ace (06.10.15)1351 days
0:47* Big Bossman (11.03.09)91 days 1:43* Perfect Ace (06.27.08)503 days 1:55* Perfect Ace (06.09.15)1 day
0:48* Big Bossman (10.31.09)3 days 1:44* Perfect Ace (06.27.08)0 day 1:56* Perfect Ace (07.26.13)683 days
0:49* Perfect Ace (08.13.07)810 days 1:45* Taka (05.10.07)414 days 1:57* True Faith (11.19.09)1345 days
0:50* Wouter Jansen (03.18.05)878 days 1:46* Taka (04.23.07)17 days 1:58* Big Bossman (11.09.09)10 days
0:51* Big Bossman (12.29.04)79 days 1:47* Your Eliteness (08.20.05)611 days 1:59* Perfect Ace (06.28.08)499 days
0:52* Karl Jobst (04.08.04)265 days 1:48* Your Eliteness (08.15.05)5 days 2:01* Perfect Ace (06.27.08)1 day
0:53* DMan (04.28.02)711 days 1:49* Wouter Jansen (03.17.05)151 days 2:03* Taka (04.15.07)439 days
0:55* DMan (09.24.01)216 days 1:51* Big Bossman (12.30.04)77 days 2:10* Dark Slayer (04.08.07)7 days
0:56* SnapDragon (09.18.00)371 days 1:52* Greg K (06.17.03)562 days 2:13* Big Bossman (12.30.04)829 days
0:59* SnapDragon (09.18.00)0 day 1:54* Lec (12.31.02)168 days 2:14* Your Eliteness (11.05.04)55 days
1:00* SnapDragon (08.12.00)37 days 1:55* DMan (04.28.02)247 days 2:15* Greg K (01.08.03)667 days
1:01* SnapDragon (08.11.00)1 day 1:57* Dark Avenger (12.19.01)130 days 2:16* Karl Jobst (12.03.02)36 days
1:06* SnapDragon (08.04.00)7 days 1:58* ParagonX9 (04.05.01)258 days 2:17* DMan (04.28.02)219 days
1:11* SnapDragon (07.16.00)19 days 1:59* xXDarkLightXx (01.12.01)83 days 2:19* ParagonX9 (02.04.01)448 days
1:19* SnapDragon (07.16.00)0 day 2:05* ParagonX9 (12.03.00)40 days 2:22* xXDarkLightXx (01.14.01)21 days
1:21* SnapDragon (06.14.00)32 days 2:06* ParagonX9 (10.22.00)42 days 2:26* ParagonX9 (10.23.00)83 days
2:08* ParagonX9 (09.24.00)28 days 2:30* ParagonX9 (10.22.00)1 day
2:11* SnapDragon (09.18.00)6 days 2:34* Marshmallow (08.27.00)56 days
2:12* ParagonX9 (09.17.00)1 day 2:47* Marshmallow (07.19.00)39 days
2:13* SnapDragon (09.13.00)4 days 10:46* SnapDragon (06.14.00)35 days
2:19* Marshmallow (09.10.00)3 days
2:20* Marshmallow (09.10.00)0 day
2:22* ParagonX9 (09.02.00)8 days
2:23* SnapDragon (08.12.00)21 days
4:16* Ngamer (06.06.00)67 days

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