Duration of Untied World Records on the Level G5 Building - Reconnaissance

up to October 25th, 2024

Agent Special Agent Perfect Agent
0:32* Perfect Ace (12.17.21)1043 days 0:36* Perfect Ace (05.02.20)1637 days 0:45* Perfect Ace (12.13.21)1047 days
0:33* Perfect Ace (04.27.20)11 days 0:37* Perfect Ace (04.02.20)30 days 0:46* Perfect Ace (04.29.20)593 days
0:34* Karl Jobst (09.15.16)6 days 0:38* True Faith (10.09.16)871 days 0:47* Perfect Ace (04.04.20)25 days
0:35* Swiss (12.25.15)172 days 0:39* Perfect Ace (01.01.16)179 days 0:48* Perfect Ace (02.24.19)405 days
0:36* True Faith (05.30.09)1484 days 0:40* Perfect Ace (06.22.13)914 days 0:49* Perfect Ace (07.10.15)439 days
0:37* Perfect Ace (12.15.07)461 days 0:41* Perfect Ace (12.31.07)509 days 0:50* Perfect Ace (08.04.13)705 days
0:38* Karl Jobst (02.23.05)1025 days 0:42* Perfect Ace (12.15.07)16 days 0:51* Perfect Ace (06.21.13)44 days
0:39* Funky Buddha (01.11.05)43 days 0:43* Perfect Ace (12.15.07)0 day 0:52* Perfect Ace (12.28.07)513 days
0:40* JugadorJ3 (08.04.03)186 days 0:44* Perfect Ace (12.15.07)0 day 0:53* Perfect Ace (12.15.07)13 days
0:41* Karl Jobst (06.16.03)49 days 0:45* Karl Jobst (02.25.05)878 days 0:54* Karl Jobst (01.16.06)698 days
0:42* Karl Jobst (08.23.02)297 days 0:47* Your Eliteness (02.08.04)383 days 0:55* Karl Jobst (02.26.05)324 days
0:43* ParagonX9 (10.07.01)15 days 0:48* JugadorJ3 (07.26.03)197 days 0:58* Your Eliteness (12.22.04)66 days
0:44* xXDarkLightXx (03.02.01)34 days 0:49* Karl Jobst (08.23.02)307 days 0:59* Greg K (06.29.03)225 days
0:45* xXDarkLightXx (02.23.01)7 days 0:50* ParagonX9 (10.07.01)19 days 1:00* Greg K (06.29.03)0 day
0:46* Infiltrater (01.29.01)21 days 0:51* xXDarkLightXx (03.02.01)219 days 1:01* ParagonX9 (10.07.01)204 days
0:47* SnapDragon (08.23.00)156 days 0:52* xXDarkLightXx (02.23.01)7 days 1:03* xXDarkLightXx (03.03.01)218 days
0:49* SnapDragon (08.23.00)0 day 0:55* Discombobulator (02.21.01)2 days 1:05* xXDarkLightXx (02.23.01)8 days
0:50* SnapDragon (08.23.00)0 day 0:56* ParagonX9 (12.04.00)79 days 1:08* ParagonX9 (01.14.01)40 days
0:52* Marshmallow (08.09.00)3 days 0:57* SnapDragon (09.10.00)85 days 1:11* ParagonX9 (11.24.00)51 days
0:57* PerfectLight (06.08.00)62 days 1:01* Infiltrater (09.09.00)1 day 1:12* SnapDragon (09.10.00)75 days
1:38* Wes007 (06.20.00)53 days 1:20* SnapDragon (08.12.00)29 days
1:41* ExpertGamer (06.14.00)6 days

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