Duration of Untied World Records on the Level Area 51 - Escape

up to November 5th, 2024

Agent Special Agent Perfect Agent
2:17* Lake Demon (11.15.22)721 days 3:03* Lake Demon (08.09.22)819 days 3:04* Lake Demon (11.13.22)723 days
2:18* Lake Demon (03.23.22)78 days 3:05* Lake Demon (03.30.22)132 days 3:07* Lake Demon (07.22.22)114 days
2:19* Perfect Ace (07.17.20)614 days 3:07* Lake Demon (03.28.22)2 days 3:09* Lake Demon (03.29.22)115 days
2:20* Karl Jobst (07.01.16)1086 days 3:08* Kev B. (07.13.20)127 days 3:10* Kev B. (07.13.20)624 days
2:21* Taka (04.14.12)1168 days 3:09* Kev B. (12.15.19)140 days 3:12* Perfect Ace (05.04.20)70 days
2:23* Taka (07.08.09)5 days 3:11* Dark Inkosi (06.19.19)158 days 3:13* Kev B. (02.20.20)74 days
2:24* Perfect Ace (02.23.08)64 days 3:13* Lake Demon (03.13.19)98 days 3:14* Lake Demon (03.16.19)341 days
2:25* Taka (11.11.05)778 days 3:14* Big Bossman (10.15.14)1605 days 3:15* Big Bossman (10.17.14)1608 days
2:26* Karl Jobst (04.12.04)226 days 3:15* Taka (04.28.12)896 days 3:16* Taka (04.23.12)902 days
2:27* DMan (10.04.03)12 days 3:16* Perfect Ace (02.23.08)65 days 3:18* Red Bull (02.02.09)1176 days
2:28* Your Eliteness (09.19.03)15 days 3:18* Red Bull (01.09.08)45 days 3:19* Red Bull (05.01.08)277 days
2:29* Greg K (11.29.02)0 day 3:19* Red Bull (01.04.08)5 days 3:20* Red Bull (01.08.08)114 days
2:30* Dark Avenger (04.29.02)95 days 3:20* Taka (07.20.07)161 days 3:21* Red Bull (01.04.08)4 days
2:31* Dark Avenger (11.17.01)163 days 3:21* Taka (02.23.07)147 days 3:22* Your Eliteness (06.06.04)1140 days
2:32* xXDarkLightXx (02.05.01)193 days 3:22* Your Eliteness (06.10.04)392 days 3:25* Your Eliteness (06.05.04)1 day
2:34* ParagonX9 (01.29.01)7 days 3:24* Your Eliteness (01.13.04)149 days 3:26* Your Eliteness (06.02.04)3 days
2:35* Discombobulator (12.21.00)39 days 3:27* Your Eliteness (10.21.03)84 days 3:29* Carnski (06.01.04)1 day
2:36* ParagonX9 (12.21.00)0 day 3:28* JugadorJ3 (09.17.03)6 days 3:31* JugadorJ3 (01.15.04)0 day
2:37* SnapDragon (08.12.00)131 days 3:29* JugadorJ3 (09.16.03)1 day 3:32* Lec (12.20.03)25 days
2:52* SnapDragon (06.14.00)59 days 3:34* Greg K (11.30.02)240 days 3:33* Your Eliteness (10.11.03)70 days
3:36* Greg K (08.02.02)120 days 3:35* Your Eliteness (10.10.03)1 day
3:37* Cck (11.17.01)1 day 3:36* JugadorJ3 (09.16.03)24 days
3:40* Dark Avenger (08.21.01)28 days 3:38* Dark Avenger (12.08.01)357 days
3:42* xXDarkLightXx (02.05.01)197 days 3:43* Cck (12.04.01)4 days
3:43* ParagonX9 (01.24.01)12 days 3:44* Cck (11.23.01)11 days
3:51* Le Manchot (01.21.01)3 days 3:46* Dark Avenger (08.20.01)95 days
3:52* ParagonX9 (10.18.00)95 days 3:51* ParagonX9 (01.23.01)13 days
3:54* Marshmallow (08.12.00)36 days 3:57* SnapDragon (09.04.00)141 days
3:56* Marshmallow (08.09.00)3 days 4:05* Marshmallow (08.06.00)29 days
5:35* RaydenEG (06.06.00)64 days 4:07* Yako (08.05.00)1 day
4:45* Marshmallow (08.04.00)1 day
6:03* RaydenEG (06.06.00)59 days

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