Duration of World Records on the level Carrington Villa - Hostage One

up to July 27th, 2024

Agent Special Agent Perfect Agent
1:00* Perfect Ace (08.18.20)1439 days 1:09* Perfect Ace (09.27.22)669 days 1:18* Perfect Ace (11.03.21)997 days
1:01* Perfect Ace (01.13.19)583 days 1:10* Perfect Ace (11.20.21)311 days 1:20* Perfect Ace (11.01.21)2 days
1:02* Perfect Ace (01.02.19)11 days 1:11* Perfect Ace (01.25.20)665 days 1:22* True Faith (06.17.16)1963 days
1:03* True Faith (01.01.19)1 day 1:12* Perfect Ace (01.05.19)385 days 1:24* Perfect Ace (06.15.16)2 days
1:04* Big Bossman (12.29.18)3 days 1:13* Big Bossman (01.01.19)4 days 1:26* True Faith (06.03.16)12 days
1:06* Perfect Ace (12.20.07)4027 days 1:15* True Faith (06.07.09)3495 days 1:27* Big Bossman (07.18.15)321 days
1:07* Your Eliteness (12.31.06)354 days 1:16* True Faith (06.06.09)1 day 1:28* Perfect Ace (08.07.13)710 days
1:08* Big Bossman (01.30.05)700 days 1:17* Perfect Ace (08.07.07)669 days 1:29* True Faith (09.29.09)1408 days
1:09* Karl Jobst (07.25.03)555 days 1:18* Perfect Ace (08.03.07)4 days 1:30* True Faith (09.24.09)5 days
1:10* Karl Jobst (11.28.02)239 days 1:19* Big Bossman (05.16.05)809 days 1:31* True Faith (05.30.09)117 days
1:11* Karl Jobst (06.09.02)172 days 1:20* Karl Jobst (07.27.03)659 days 1:32* Perfect Ace (08.13.07)656 days
1:12* captZEEbo (10.14.01)238 days 1:22* Karl Jobst (06.16.02)406 days 1:33* Wouter Jansen (11.14.04)1002 days
1:13* ExpertGamer (09.23.01)21 days 1:23* Dark Avenger (03.16.02)92 days 1:35* Your Eliteness (05.09.04)189 days
1:14* ParagonX9 (02.04.01)231 days 1:24* captZEEbo (10.14.01)153 days 1:36* Karl Jobst (11.27.02)529 days
1:15* Discombobulator (01.30.01)5 days 1:25* ParagonX9 (10.14.01)0 day 1:39* Karl Jobst (11.25.02)2 days
1:16* ParagonX9 (10.03.00)119 days 1:26* ParagonX9 (04.05.01)192 days 1:40* Karl Jobst (07.02.02)146 days
1:17* ParagonX9 (10.02.00)1 day 1:27* ParagonX9 (02.04.01)60 days 1:41* Dark Avenger (04.29.02)64 days
1:18* ParagonX9 (09.08.00)24 days 1:30* ParagonX9 (10.15.00)112 days 1:42* Karl Jobst (01.07.02)112 days
1:19* SnapDragon (08.04.00)35 days 1:33* ParagonX9 (10.05.00)10 days 1:44* Dark Avenger (11.22.01)46 days
1:20* ParagonX9 (07.16.00)19 days 1:38* Marshmallow (08.28.00)38 days 1:45* ParagonX9 (10.14.01)39 days
1:21* SnapDragon (06.14.00)32 days 1:39* Shock (08.21.00)7 days 1:46* Carnski (09.06.01)38 days
1:41* Marshmallow (08.12.00)9 days 1:47* ParagonX9 (06.28.01)70 days
1:43* Marshmallow (08.09.00)3 days 1:48* Discombobulator (03.15.01)105 days
1:47* PerfectLight (06.08.00)62 days 1:49* ParagonX9 (12.24.00)81 days
1:51* ParagonX9 (12.24.00)0 day
1:54* Shock (12.24.00)0 day
1:55* ParagonX9 (09.30.00)85 days
1:59* Marshmallow (08.31.00)30 days
2:00* Marshmallow (08.28.00)3 days
2:13* Marshmallow (08.19.00)9 days
2:17* ParagonX9 (08.19.00)0 day
2:25* ParagonX9 (08.19.00)0 day
2:29* Marshmallow (08.19.00)0 day
2:30* Marshmallow (08.12.00)7 days
2:35* Marshmallow (07.19.00)24 days
5:34* SnapDragon (06.14.00)35 days

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