Duration of World Records on the level Skedar Ruins - Battle Shrine

up to April 26th, 2024

Agent Secret/Special Agent 00/Perfect Agent
1:04* Michael Lightbody (03.13.20)1505 days 1:11* Will X. (01.10.23)472 days 1:17* Will X. (01.13.23)469 days
1:05* Bryan B. (02.18.12)2946 days 1:12* Will X. (01.09.23)1 day 1:18* Will X. (01.13.23)0 day
1:07* Bryan B. (02.12.12)6 days 1:13* Bryan B. (01.04.17)2196 days 1:19* Will X. (01.12.23)1 day
1:08* Karl Jobst (04.19.04)2855 days 1:14* Karl Jobst (01.02.17)2 days 1:20* Will X. (01.10.23)2 days
1:10* Karl Jobst (04.06.04)13 days 1:16* Karl Jobst (12.31.16)2 days 1:21* Bryan B. (01.11.17)2190 days
1:11* Simon Archambault (12.22.03)106 days 1:20* Bryan B. (12.30.16)1 day 1:22* Bryan B. (12.31.16)11 days
1:12* Greg Lavery (11.19.01)763 days 1:21* Bryan B. (03.31.12)1735 days 1:25* Bryan B. (12.31.16)0 day
1:13* Greg Lavery (11.11.01)8 days 1:22* José Tavares (01.10.12)81 days 1:27* Bryan B. (12.30.16)1 day
1:14* Chris Rayola (04.28.01)197 days 1:23* Max Bout (03.01.08)1410 days 1:29* Bryan B. (03.04.12)1762 days
1:16* Chris Rayola (02.26.01)61 days 1:25* Max Bout (02.01.08)29 days 1:30* Max Bout (05.31.08)1373 days
1:19* Randy Buikema (02.26.01)0 day 1:26* Matt Cook (12.11.04)1147 days 1:32* Max Bout (03.03.08)89 days
1:23* Chris Rayola (02.11.01)15 days 1:27* Ryan Dwyer (04.26.04)229 days 1:33* Rayan I. (09.04.07)181 days
1:25* Ben Gorman (01.29.01)13 days 1:28* Karl Jobst (04.10.04)16 days 1:34* Greg Lewis (11.12.06)296 days
1:26* Derek Kisman (09.19.00)132 days 1:29* Greg Lavery (11.18.01)874 days 1:35* Greg Lewis (09.29.06)44 days
1:28* Derek Kisman (09.17.00)2 days 1:30* Chris Rayola (03.11.01)252 days 1:36* Ryan Dwyer (09.17.04)742 days
1:32* Andy Day (09.10.00)7 days 1:35* Chris Rayola (03.03.01)8 days 1:37* Karl Jobst (11.14.02)673 days
1:37* Derek Kisman (09.05.00)5 days 1:37* Chris Rayola (02.27.01)4 days 1:38* Chris Rayola (07.28.02)109 days
1:38* Ben Gorman (08.31.00)5 days 1:41* Chris Rayola (02.16.01)11 days 1:42* Phil Hughes (04.29.02)90 days
1:40* Derek Kisman (06.14.00)78 days 1:42* Andy Day (02.07.01)9 days 1:43* Chris Rayola (03.18.02)42 days
1:45* Andy Day (09.13.00)147 days 1:45* Chris Rayola (06.02.01)289 days
1:52* Andy Day (09.12.00)1 day 1:47* Chris Rayola (05.19.01)14 days
1:55* Andy Day (09.10.00)2 days 1:49* Andy Day (03.06.01)74 days
1:56* Ben Gorman (09.10.00)0 day 1:50* Ben Gorman (02.11.01)23 days
1:57* Andy Day (09.09.00)1 day 1:52* Andy Day (02.07.01)4 days
1:58* David Gibbons (07.19.00)52 days 1:54* Ben Gorman (02.03.01)4 days
2:28* Derek Kisman (06.14.00)35 days 1:56* Steve Foy (02.03.01)0 day
1:59* Andy Day (09.12.00)144 days
2:01* Andy Day (09.12.00)0 day
2:05* David Gibbons (09.12.00)0 day
2:06* David Gibbons (09.09.00)3 days
2:10* Andy Day (09.09.00)0 day
2:12* Andy Day (09.08.00)1 day
2:17* Ben Gorman (09.04.00)4 days
2:26* David Gibbons (08.12.00)23 days
2:59* Derek Kisman (06.14.00)59 days

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