Goldeneye's Longest Standing Untied World Records

These are the longest standing untied World Records as of January 22nd, 2025.

Top 10 of All-Time Longest Lasting Untied World Records Ever

Rank Duration Record Date Record Holder Tied or Beaten by On the
1 2345 days 1:55 Dam 00 Agent 01.25.11 Marc Rützou Rayan I. 06.27.17
2 2271 days 0:53 Jungle Secret Agent 06.12.08 Rayan I. Ilari Pekkala 08.31.14
3 2083 days 1:16 Dam Secret Agent 01.28.11 Marc Rützou Rayan I. 10.11.16
4 2062 days 0:44 Bunker 2 Secret Agent 10.11.10 David Clemens Rayan I. 06.03.16
5 2026 days 0:42 Facility Agent 07.07.19 Rayan I. - -
6 1975 days 1:48 Train 00 Agent 01.05.18 Henrik Norgren Rayan I. 06.03.23
7 1930 days 3:55 Control Agent 10.11.19 Rayan I. - -
8 1929 days 1:47 Surface 1 00 Agent 10.12.19 Carl-Magnus Wall - -
9 1917 days 4:01 Control Secret Agent 10.24.19 Rayan I. - -
10 1915 days 4:02 Control 00 Agent 10.26.19 Rayan I. - -

Currently Longest Lasting World Records

The following table shows the levels with for each of them, the player who set the record at this date. The number between parenthesis indicates the order of establishment of the WR (1 for the oldest). A dash means that the corresponding record is not untied. This page was originally inspired by an idea from Bryan Bosshardt.
Click the name of a stage for the breakdown of the duration of untied world records on this level.

Stage Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent
Dam - CW 800 days (13)
Facility RI 2026 days (1)
- -
Runway - - JL 1128 days (11)
Surface 1 CW 1323 days (10)
CW 1822 days (6)
CW 1929 days (3)
Bunker 1 - RI 996 days (12)
WX 7 days (21)
Silo - - RI 710 days (16)
Frigate - RI 617 days (17)
Surface 2 - JL 793 days (14)
DC 1570 days (9)
Bunker 2 - - RI 522 days (18)
Statue CW 750 days (15)
- -
Archives - - -
Streets - - -
Depot - - -
Train - - RI 112 days (20)
Jungle - JQ 1752 days (7)
JQ 1663 days (8)
Control RI 1930 days (2)
RI 1917 days (4)
RI 1915 days (5)
Caverns - JP 251 days (19)
Cradle - - -
Aztec - - -
Egyptian - - -

List of all the current untied world records ordered from the oldest to the newest

Rank Level Difficulty Time Player Date Duration
1FacilityA0:42Rayan I.July 7th, 20192026 days
2ControlA3:55Rayan I.October 11th, 20191930 days
3Surface 100A1:47Carl-Magnus WallOctober 12th, 20191929 days
4ControlSA4:01Rayan I.October 24th, 20191917 days
5Control00A4:02Rayan I.October 26th, 20191915 days
6Surface 1SA1:46Carl-Magnus WallJanuary 27th, 20201822 days
7JungleSA0:51Joris ℵ.April 6th, 20201752 days
8Jungle00A0:52Joris ℵ.July 4th, 20201663 days
9Surface 200A1:18David ClemensOctober 5th, 20201570 days
10Surface 1A1:01Carl-Magnus WallJune 9th, 20211323 days
11Runway00A0:27Joakim LjungDecember 21st, 20211128 days
12Bunker 1SA0:19Rayan I.May 2nd, 2022996 days
13DamSA1:15Carl-Magnus WallNovember 14th, 2022800 days
14Surface 2SA0:46Joakim LjungNovember 21st, 2022793 days
15StatueA2:17Carl-Magnus WallJanuary 3rd, 2023750 days
16Silo00A1:20Rayan I.February 12th, 2023710 days
17FrigateSA0:57Rayan I.May 16th, 2023617 days
18Bunker 200A0:49Rayan I.August 19th, 2023522 days
19CavernsSA1:10Janne PitkänenMay 16th, 2024251 days
20Train00A1:47Rayan I.October 2nd, 2024112 days
21Bunker 100A1:00Will X.January 15th, 20257 days

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