Duration of World Records on the level Maian SOS

up to April 25th, 2024

Agent Secret/Special Agent 00/Perfect Agent
1:35* Karl Jobst (12.11.16)2692 days 1:50* Nikolaj Sørensen (08.22.19)1708 days 1:57* Will X. (01.13.22)833 days
1:36* Rayan I. (12.19.07)3280 days 1:51* Madoka Kaname (11.20.18)275 days 1:58* Rayan I. (03.03.19)1047 days
1:37* Karl Jobst (02.22.05)1030 days 1:52* Karl Jobst (12.04.16)716 days 2:00* Karl Jobst (06.17.16)989 days
1:38* Matt Cook (11.15.04)99 days 1:53* Takahiro Arai (06.09.07)3466 days 2:02* Rayan I. (12.31.07)3091 days
1:39* Karl Jobst (10.28.02)749 days 1:54* Ryan Dwyer (01.12.04)1244 days 2:03* Rayan I. (12.30.07)1 day
1:40* Karl Jobst (06.09.02)141 days 1:55* Ryan Dwyer (01.11.04)1 day 2:04* Rayan I. (12.15.07)15 days
1:41* Christoph Kohlbach (07.15.01)329 days 1:56* Ryan Dwyer (01.10.04)1 day 2:06* Rayan I. (09.04.07)102 days
1:42* Christoph Kohlbach (05.11.01)65 days 1:57* Ryan Dwyer (01.09.04)1 day 2:07* Takahiro Arai (06.09.07)87 days
1:43* Gary Carney (04.25.01)16 days 1:58* Wouter Jansen (06.24.03)199 days 2:08* Matt Cook (12.08.04)913 days
1:44* Karl Jobst (04.20.01)5 days 1:59* Bryan B. (06.18.03)6 days 2:12* Karl Jobst (11.06.02)763 days
1:47* Randy Buikema (01.10.01)100 days 2:00* Matt Cook (01.16.03)153 days 2:13* Marcus Dolejsi (09.29.01)403 days
1:48* Randy Buikema (01.10.01)0 day 2:01* Christoph Kohlbach (09.22.01)481 days 2:15* Ben Gorman (06.20.01)101 days
1:49* Derek Kisman (09.11.00)121 days 2:02* Christoph Kohlbach (09.19.01)3 days 2:16* Steve Foy (06.20.01)0 day
1:50* Derek Kisman (08.06.00)36 days 2:03* Ben Gorman (06.20.01)91 days 2:17* Randy Buikema (03.11.01)101 days
1:51* Ben Gorman (08.06.00)0 day 2:04* Ben Gorman (06.17.01)3 days 2:18* Steve Foy (01.27.01)43 days
1:52* Ben Gorman (08.04.00)2 days 2:11* Steve Foy (01.27.01)141 days 2:19* Ben Gorman (10.20.00)99 days
1:58* Derek Kisman (06.14.00)51 days 2:12* Ricky Pusch (10.17.00)102 days 2:22* David Gibbons (09.06.00)44 days
2:13* Ben Gorman (09.17.00)30 days 2:36* David Gibbons (08.12.00)25 days
2:14* David Gibbons (09.08.00)9 days 3:09* David Gibbons (08.06.00)6 days
2:18* Chris Rayola (09.08.00)0 day 3:11* David Gibbons (08.06.00)0 day
2:20* David Gibbons (08.12.00)27 days 3:57* Ben Gorman (08.05.00)1 day
5:07* Derek Kisman (06.14.00)59 days 10:20* Derek Kisman (06.14.00)52 days

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