Combined Duration of World Records on the Level Maian SOS

Up to September 08, 2024

Agent Special Agent Perfect Agent
Perfect Ace5054 days Taka3466 days Perfect Ace4256 days
Karl Jobst4941 days Red Bull3036 days Karl Jobst1752 days
CEDRIC2311 days Perfect Ace2612 days Will X.969 days
BK1104 days CEDRIC2301 days JugadorJ3913 days
Will X.966 days ThaRixer2001 days Sucram403 days
Big Bossman857 days Big Bossman1319 days ParagonX9320 days
Cck407 days Your Eliteness1253 days Your Eliteness227 days
Dark Avenger330 days Karl Jobst1080 days Discombobulator101 days
Your Eliteness326 days Will X.971 days Taka87 days
Greg K274 days Discombobulator686 days Marshmallow75 days
Carnski266 days Cck484 days Big Bossman64 days
ShadowZero261 days DMan305 days SnapDragon52 days
JDBlack21233 days Madoka277 days xXDarkLightXx43 days
SnapDragon208 days xXDarkLightXx259 days
Discombobulator206 days JustinDT218 days
Taka193 days Wouter Jansen205 days
Greenounet190 days JugadorJ3153 days
JugadorJ3103 days ParagonX9124 days
Funky Buddha67 days Infiltrater102 days
ParagonX934 days SnapDragon86 days
Marshmallow30 days ExpertGamer55 days
ExpertGamer14 days Marshmallow36 days
Swiss1 day PerfectDarklich33 days
captZEEbo32 days
Sucram26 days
Swiss2 days

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