Duration of World Records on the level Dam

up to February 8th, 2025

2:11* Irie B. (02.27.24)347 days 6:17* Adam Bozon (01.28.17)2933 days
2:12* Bryan B. (12.26.19)1524 days 6:52* Adam Bozon (01.28.17)0 day
2:14* Marc Rützou (04.14.11)3178 days 7:02* Adam Bozon (01.18.17)10 days
2:15* David Clemens (12.17.08)848 days 7:04* Adam Bozon (12.20.16)29 days
2:17* David Clemens (12.17.08)0 day 7:28* Adam Bozon (12.15.16)5 days
2:19* David Clemens (12.17.08)0 day 7:45* Adam Bozon (12.10.16)5 days
2:20* Adam Bozon (12.04.08)13 days 7:54* Adam Bozon (12.02.16)8 days
2:22* Adam Bozon (12.03.08)1 day 8:35* Bryan B. (03.19.16)258 days
2:24* Adam Bozon (12.02.08)1 day 9:08* Adam Bozon (09.04.08)2753 days
2:26* Adam Bozon (09.20.08)73 days 11:12* Adam Bozon (08.31.08)4 days
2:31* Adam Bozon (09.20.08)0 day 11:43* Adam Bozon (08.26.08)5 days
2:35* Adam Bozon (09.20.08)0 day 13:23* Adam Bozon (08.25.08)1 day
2:37* Adam Bozon (09.20.08)0 day 16:44* Ilari Pekkala (01.09.05)1324 days
2:38* Rayan I. (06.27.07)451 days 21:33* Wouter Jansen (03.14.04)301 days
2:39* Laercio Rodolfo (05.19.07)39 days 26:29* Ilari Pekkala (03.08.04)6 days
2:42* Laercio Rodolfo (02.18.06)455 days 35:30* Ilari Pekkala (03.06.04)2 days
2:55* Laercio Rodolfo (08.10.05)192 days
2:59* Laercio Rodolfo (04.02.04)495 days
3:00* Garrett Sellati (02.15.04)47 days
3:04* Garrett Sellati (01.30.04)16 days
3:05* Adam Moore (02.09.03)355 days
3:10* Adam Moore (10.15.02)117 days
3:18* Matthijs ten Ham (01.20.02)268 days
3:29* Greg Lavery (09.29.01)113 days
3:48* Patrick Wessels (10.30.99)700 days

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