Duration of World Records on the level Bunker 2

up to February 8th, 2025

1:20* Irie B. (04.29.24)285 days 5:58* Adam Bozon (12.27.13)4061 days
1:22* Irie B. (04.28.24)1 day 6:02* Adam Bozon (12.24.13)3 days
1:23* Irie B. (04.26.24)2 days 6:07* Adam Bozon (12.21.13)3 days
1:24* Irie B. (04.25.24)1 day 6:17* Adam Bozon (12.13.13)8 days
1:25* Rayan I. (12.31.21)846 days 6:24* Adam Bozon (12.04.13)9 days
1:27* Rayan I. (02.13.14)2878 days 6:30* Adam Bozon (12.04.13)0 day
1:30* Rayan I. (02.13.14)0 day 6:41* Adam Bozon (11.29.13)5 days
1:32* Rayan I. (02.13.14)0 day 6:53* Adam Bozon (11.28.13)1 day
1:33* Rayan I. (02.13.14)0 day 6:58* David Birkel (08.13.10)1203 days
1:35* Luke Pettit (09.20.12)511 days 11:35* Axel Zakrisson (12.19.08)602 days
1:37* Rayan I. (07.31.10)782 days 12:34* Axel Zakrisson (12.18.08)1 day
1:40* Brandon Sanford (12.25.06)1314 days 12:39* Axel Zakrisson (12.18.08)0 day
1:48* Trent H. (08.10.03)1233 days 13:09* Axel Zakrisson (05.25.08)207 days
1:53* Brandon Sanford (02.20.03)171 days 14:29* Axel Zakrisson (05.24.08)1 day
2:00* Greg Whatmore (10.16.02)127 days 15:20* Axel Zakrisson (05.23.08)1 day
2:21* Ben Southward (09.22.02)24 days 15:47* Ilari Pekkala (04.15.04)1499 days
2:24* Ben Southward (03.30.02)176 days 25:33* Wouter Jansen (03.03.04)43 days
2:29* Ben Southward (03.25.02)5 days
2:36* Steven Zwartjes (10.30.99)877 days

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