Duration of World Records on the level Streets

up to February 8th, 2025

2:23* Kyle Wiebenga (01.21.22)1114 days 3:52* Kyle Wiebenga (08.15.15)3465 days
2:32* Kyle Wiebenga (04.03.16)2119 days 4:27* Kyle Wiebenga (11.09.14)279 days
2:39* Kyle Wiebenga (10.31.15)155 days 4:50* Henrik Norgren (11.02.14)7 days
2:41* Adam Bozon (04.26.15)188 days 4:56* Kyle Wiebenga (10.31.14)2 days
2:42* Adam Bozon (04.21.15)5 days 5:13* Kyle Wiebenga (10.30.14)1 day
2:44* Kyle Wiebenga (04.12.15)9 days 5:26* Kyle Wiebenga (10.27.14)3 days
2:47* Adam Bozon (09.28.14)196 days 5:52* Kyle Wiebenga (10.23.14)4 days
2:59* Adam Bozon (11.29.08)2129 days 6:05* David Birkel (04.06.10)1661 days
3:12* Adam Bozon (11.17.08)12 days 8:27* David Birkel (11.23.09)134 days
3:18* Adam Bozon (11.16.08)1 day
3:22* Adam Bozon (11.03.08)13 days
3:35* Adam Bozon (11.03.08)0 day
3:46* Karl Jobst (09.25.02)2231 days
6:20* Greg Whatmore (09.16.02)9 days

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