Duration of World Records on the level Attack Ship - Covert Assault

up to February 8th, 2025

3:23* Paul Murell (01.14.22)1121 days 8:16* Kyle Wiebenga (07.27.22)927 days
3:26* Paul Murell (01.11.22)3 days 8:26* Kyle Wiebenga (07.24.22)3 days
3:28* Paul Murell (01.09.22)2 days 8:30* Kyle Wiebenga (07.21.22)3 days
3:30* Will X. (01.07.22)2 days 8:33* Kyle Wiebenga (12.31.19)933 days
3:32* Michael Lightbody (07.08.20)548 days 8:45* Kyle Wiebenga (03.07.18)664 days
3:35* Kyle Wiebenga (07.07.19)367 days 9:09* Kyle Wiebenga (03.03.18)4 days
3:42* Eric Liikala (07.27.18)345 days 9:45* Kyle Wiebenga (10.18.17)136 days
3:50* Ludovic Begon (12.22.16)582 days 10:18* Kyle Wiebenga (10.16.17)2 days
3:53* Bryan B. (10.11.16)72 days 10:25* Kyle Wiebenga (10.16.17)0 day
3:58* Ludovic Begon (08.26.15)412 days 10:58* Kyle Wiebenga (10.15.17)1 day
4:09* Axel Zakrisson (07.08.15)49 days 11:55* Kyle Wiebenga (10.13.17)2 days
4:11* Eric Liikala (06.02.15)36 days 13:01* Bryan B. (03.18.16)574 days
4:21* Bryan B. (02.23.14)464 days 16:30* Kyle Wiebenga (02.20.16)27 days
4:39* Justin Thomas (12.04.01)4464 days 18:10* Kyle Wiebenga (02.19.16)1 day
5:20* Justin Thomas (11.21.01)13 days 18:48* Kyle Wiebenga (02.19.16)0 day
6:43* Richard Wade (10.13.00)404 days 20:07* Kyle Wiebenga (02.19.16)0 day
6:46* Richard Wade (10.13.00)0 day 23:27* Eric Liikala (03.25.15)331 days
33:34* Eric Liikala (03.24.15)1 day
39:19* Eric Liikala (10.13.14)162 days
53:10* Eric Liikala (07.19.14)86 days

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