Duration of World Records on the level Control

up to January 20th, 2025

4:11* Irie B. (02.29.24)326 days 6:56* Blaze M (06.23.24)211 days
4:12* Rayan I. (12.26.21)795 days 7:01* Blaze M (06.16.24)7 days
4:16* Blake Carroll (01.11.21)349 days 7:15* Blaze M (06.13.24)3 days
4:17* Kyle Wiebenga (10.09.18)825 days 7:28* Blaze M (03.27.24)78 days
4:20* Kyle Wiebenga (10.08.18)1 day 7:46* Blaze M (10.03.23)176 days
4:21* Kyle Wiebenga (10.07.18)1 day 7:56* Adam Bozon (02.20.23)225 days
4:22* Kyle Wiebenga (10.07.18)0 day 8:00* Tom Russell (06.05.22)260 days
4:23* Marc Rützou (10.27.14)1441 days 8:35* Bryan B. (01.26.16)2322 days
4:25* Rayan I. (01.21.14)279 days 10:41* Wouter Jansen (12.02.12)1150 days
4:26* Marc Rützou (10.07.12)471 days 12:03* Adam Bozon (07.17.08)1599 days
4:32* Marc Rützou (10.04.12)3 days 16:33* Ilari Pekkala (07.12.05)1101 days
4:38* Adam Bozon (06.28.08)1559 days
4:39* Adam Bozon (06.27.08)1 day
4:40* Garrett Sellati (05.09.06)780 days
4:42* Garrett Sellati (05.08.06)1 day
4:47* Garrett Sellati (05.07.06)1 day
4:49* Brandon Sanford (05.21.05)351 days
4:54* Garrett Sellati (06.15.04)340 days
5:29* Karl Jobst (12.04.02)559 days
5:49* Greg Lavery (06.23.01)529 days
6:30* Damian Coe (10.30.99)602 days

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