Duration of World Records on the level Pelagic II - Exploration

up to February 8th, 2025

1:55* Rayan I. (09.07.23)520 days 2:19* Blake Carroll (09.24.21)1233 days
1:56* Blake Carroll (01.01.23)249 days 2:21* Rayan I. (02.29.20)573 days
1:57* Rayan I. (06.27.15)2745 days 2:36* Bryan B. (11.06.16)1210 days
2:04* Rayan I. (07.30.13)697 days 2:40* Kyle Wiebenga (07.14.16)115 days
2:14* Rayan I. (09.08.07)2152 days 2:48* Kyle Wiebenga (07.09.16)5 days
2:38* Justin Thomas (12.14.01)2094 days 2:51* Michael Kirkness (11.20.14)597 days
3:01* Justin Thomas (11.02.01)42 days 3:02* Michael Kirkness (11.19.14)1 day
3:04* Michael Moore (10.31.01)2 days 3:40* Bryan B. (02.16.14)276 days
3:11* Ben Gorman (10.22.01)9 days 3:51* Takahiro Arai (09.23.12)511 days
4:00* Craig Makepeace (09.14.00)403 days 5:37* Vitor Miranda (04.11.06)2357 days
4:32* Craig Makepeace (09.07.00)7 days
8:50* Jon Barber (09.04.00)3 days

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