Duration of World Records on the level G5 Building - Reconnaissance
up to February 8th, 2025
LTK | DLTK | ||||
0:47* | Rayan I. (01.01.22) | 1134 days | 0:52* | Rayan I. (09.11.23) | 516 days |
0:48* | Rayan I. (12.26.21) | 6 days | 0:55* | Paul Murell (05.01.20) | 1228 days |
0:49* | Dan Parker (01.09.21) | 351 days | 0:57* | Paul Murell (04.29.20) | 2 days |
0:50* | Rayan I. (06.28.15) | 2022 days | 0:59* | Paul Murell (04.29.20) | 0 day |
0:52* | Rayan I. (07.21.13) | 707 days | 1:01* | Paul Murell (04.28.20) | 1 day |
0:55* | Rayan I. (07.11.13) | 10 days | 1:02* | Paul Murell (04.27.20) | 1 day |
0:57* | Rayan I. (12.21.07) | 2029 days | 1:04* | Kyle Wiebenga (06.29.19) | 303 days |
1:00* | Rayan I. (12.29.05) | 722 days | 1:07* | Kyle Wiebenga (06.29.19) | 0 day |
1:11* | Josh Fronkner (09.25.02) | 1191 days | 1:10* | Kyle Wiebenga (06.27.19) | 2 days |
1:15* | Anaƫl Raffin (09.24.02) | 1 day | 1:11* | Bryan B. (10.10.16) | 990 days |
1:24* | Greg Lavery (10.29.01) | 330 days | 1:24* | Michael Kirkness (07.21.15) | 447 days |
2:02* | Justin Thomas (04.13.01) | 199 days | 1:35* | Michael Kirkness (07.21.15) | 0 day |
2:15* | Justin Thomas (04.06.01) | 7 days | 1:37* | Adam Bozon (06.30.14) | 386 days |
2:48* | Richard Wade (10.13.00) | 175 days | 1:44* | Adam Bozon (06.25.14) | 5 days |
3:28* | Richard Wade (09.25.00) | 18 days | 1:59* | Adam Bozon (06.20.14) | 5 days |
5:06* | Marcus Dolejsi (09.14.00) | 11 days | 2:43* | Bryan B. (02.09.14) | 131 days |
3:58* | Oscar Roldan Blay (10.13.12) | 484 days | |||
6:32* | Stefan Mahrla (11.02.06) | 2172 days |
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