Duration of World Records on the level Mr. Blonde's Revenge

up to February 8th, 2025

1:01* Blake Carroll (07.09.22)945 days 1:04* Blake Carroll (07.09.22)945 days
1:03* Justin Jupiter (01.04.20)917 days 1:05* Oskari Strandman (11.05.20)611 days
1:04* Justin Jupiter (06.29.18)554 days 1:06* Michael Lightbody (08.16.19)447 days
1:06* Justin Jupiter (06.27.18)2 days 1:07* Justin Jupiter (05.29.19)79 days
1:08* Bryan B. (05.09.15)1145 days 1:08* Justin Jupiter (07.05.18)328 days
1:16* Eric Liikala (05.08.15)1 day 1:09* Justin Jupiter (06.27.18)8 days
1:23* Axel Zakrisson (05.04.15)4 days 1:10* Bryan B. (05.09.15)1145 days
1:30* Axel Zakrisson (05.04.15)0 day 1:18* Eric Liikala (05.09.15)0 day
1:32* Bryan B. (08.28.13)614 days 1:26* Axel Zakrisson (05.04.15)5 days
1:33* Takahiro Arai (06.29.09)1521 days 1:32* Axel Zakrisson (05.04.15)0 day
1:40* Travis Devlieger (05.26.03)2226 days 1:38* Bryan B. (08.28.13)614 days
1:48* Greg Lavery (10.28.01)575 days 1:53* Axel Zakrisson (04.07.13)143 days
1:56* Chris Rayola (06.29.01)121 days 2:01* Axel Zakrisson (04.07.13)0 day
2:06* Justin Thomas (03.20.01)101 days 2:02* Paddy Johannessen (01.27.13)70 days
2:07* Matthew Yakobina (09.08.00)193 days 2:07* Oscar Roldan Blay (04.16.09)1382 days
2:25* Matthew Yakobina (09.05.00)3 days 2:15* Stefan Mahrla (10.16.06)913 days

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